Connectomes-Related to Active Methamphetamine-Dependence Project

Led by Dr. Nicholas Hubbard

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Study Overview:

This project aims to provide objective methods that can be used to aid in identifying future substance use patterns and consequences for individuals who are dependent upon methamphetamine.

Specific Aims:

(Aim 1): Collect key intake biological, psychological, and social measures and outcome measures from 100 IDM.

(Aim 2): Develop biopsychosocial models predicting 6 month-changes in substance use patterns and occupational functioning.

Study Sample Population:

N=180 (approximately 180 human subjects will be drawn from the larger RHC pool of participants for participation in CAMP; these will comprise 100 individuals dependent upon methamphetamine).

Unique Study Procedures:


Long-Term Goals:

The development of predictive models quantifying an IDM’s probability of improving or worsening addiction and addiction-related consequences. In this way, this project will provide the foundation for objective, biopsychosocial models tailored toward the prediction and eventual prevention of greater harms to IDM.



Dr. Nicholas Hubbard

Project Director

Dr. Hubbard’s research is at the intersection of cognitive neuroscience, clinical psychology, and biomedical engineering. His work applies novel neuroimaging, behavioral, and statistical methods to better understand the continuum of mental abilities and how these manifest in typical, psychiatric, and substance abuse populations. Dr. Hubbard’s research also strives to answer basic questions furthering our understanding of the human memory and the role of the reward system in cognition.

Learn more about Nicholas Hubbard

Project Leaders


James Blair


James Blair, PhD, is the Director of the Center for Neurobehavioral Research. He is an expert in the neurobiology of emotion, aggression and antisocial behavior and has published more than 200 scientific manuscripts on this and related topics. Dr. Blair received a doctoral degree in Psychology from University College London in 1993 under the supervision of Professor John Morton. Following graduation he was awarded a Wellcome Trust Mental Health Research Fellowship that he held at the Medical Research Council Cognitive Development Unit for three years. Subsequently, Dr. Blair moved to the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London. There, with Uta Frith, he helped form and co-lead the Developmental Disorders group, and was ultimately appointed Senior Lecturer. Dr. Blair Joined the NIMH Intramural Research Program in 2002. He joined Boys Town as Center Director in August 2016. He is currently President of the Society for the Scientific Study of Psychopathy as well as the acting vice-chair of the Board of Scientific Advisors for the National Courts and Sciences Institute (the Institute educates judges on scientific topics relevant to the courtroom). He is also on the scientific advisory board of the Avielle Foundation. He is currently on the editorial boards of Biological Psychiatry, and Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.

Learn more about James Blair


Tim Nelson


Dr. Nelson received his Ph.D. in clinical child psychology from the University of Kansas in 2008 following a clinical internship at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. He subsequently completed his post-doctoral fellowship in pediatric psychology in the Stanford University School of Medicine before joining the UNL faculty in 2009. He has served as the Associate Director of Clinical Training at UNL since 2012.

Learn more about Tim Nelson