Mentoring, Engagement, and Outreach Workgroup

The Internal Mentoring, Engagement, and Outreach Workgroup (MEOW) is comprised of established investigators from aligned departments, colleges, and centers with expertise in RDAR’s thematic focus. The MEOW is a systematic way for RDAR Leadership to connect with mentors, department and unit leaders, and Center administration. Monthly MEOW meetings provide consistent feedback loops and allow mentors to share successful approaches to mentoring. These meetings also provide a forum to recognize and pursue synergistic opportunities for COBRE collaborations.

The Center transitioned from the Internal, Mentoring, and Advisory Committee (IMAC) to the MEOW for the COBRE Phase 2 funding period.


Meet the Team

  1. Avatar for Kimberly Tyler
    Mentor & LNC Co-Director
  2. Avatar for Bilal Khan
    Mentor & Senior Technology Advisor
  3. Avatar for Christopher Kratochvil
    Senior Clinical and Translational Advisor
  4. Avatar for Patrick Habecker
    Member & LNC Co-Director
  5. Avatar for Gurudutt Pendyala
    Member & Former Project Leader